Super Career Copilot

Earn from job searching. Finish work fast with AI.

Get paid to job search, instant job matches and access the latest AI tools for free.

Jobs. Tools. Get paid to apply.
apply img
Jobs. Tools. Get paid to apply.

Featured Tools

a red text on a black background

Jump through fewer hoops.

Your streamlined job search journey starts here. Spend less time searching and more time earning.

Smart webpage

Enjoy one page to keep your career moving forward.

Be recognized

Optimize your job search profile.

Auto invite & apply to jobs

Upload your resume to activate auto-apply and automatic invites to jobs

Complete apps & earn

Maximum earning potential Create a revenue stream from your job search.

Resume Profile from AI

Optimize your job search profile Upload your resume and get started instantly.

LinkedIn’s featured post

Give your career more exposure Add your earn hire profile to your bios on social media and LinkedIn featured section for more job invites

EarnHire platform interface showing jobseekers managing their job search and connecting with recruiters
Hear what our clients have to say

EarnHire is a system that works for jobseekers. It’s super smart. Recruiters can find you and add real value for your resume. You really own your job search.

Liberty University logo
Tyeshia P.

IT Program Manager

How it works

Sign up. Search. Track earnings.

Your valuable time appreciates on Earn Hire.

Job search & earn!

Accumulate earnings from the jobs you review and apply to. Track your engagement, then receive monthly payouts.

Open AI tools from your personal dashboard.

Convert your desktop, tablet or phone into a work powerhouse. We find the best tools for productivity so you don’t have to.

EarnHire platform showcasing job matching and application features with AI-driven profile creation and Pro upgrade options

Stats for job success

Outperform the job market with EarnHire. Apply to more jobs you qualify for with a profile that grows in value.

Up to

0 +
$B paid by employers for applications

Up to

0 +
Million available jobs in the United States

Up to

0 +

Million resumes sent per year


0 %
Of qualified candidates apply

Meet Earn Hire “Zero Search”

New Job Matches Every Week

In addition to earning, update your profile to use our job matching tool that always relate to your career.

Cyber Security
Create your profile to match cyber security opportunities or others listed in industry category web+tech.
Talent Acquisition
Match jobs in Business+HR or your specific field for recruiter opportunities based on your experience.
Customer Service
Present your profile to more customer service and hospitality jobs by listing skills that match.
Choose the healthcare industry when creating your profile for nursing, pharmacy or health science roles.

Hiring? Get 20X the number of qualified applicants from job invites!

*per indeed insights report
EarnHire hiring feature promising 20X more qualified applicants from job invites, based on Indeed insights

Find Top Candidates. Hire Faster.

Earn Hire adds incentive to the job invites you send to qualified candidates. Post jobs for free to get instant resumes and completed applications.

Find and hire top professionals in healthcare.

Find and hire top professionals in healthcare.

Streamline your staffing

Find top healthcare professionals in minutes, not months. EarnHire simplifies the process so you can focus on delivering exceptional patient care.

Quality hires you can trust

Our direct process ensures you connect with highly qualified healthcare professionals you can rely on.

Get started for free

Post jobs in our public safety category

We’re here to help you hire a powerful workforce.

Get to know qualified professionals

Submit job details that loop in the right people to apply. See their career snapshot pages then send invites for completed applications directly from your chosen candidates.

Build within your community

Workers in your field know who the best companies to work for are. Standout with EarnHire, the only job platform with an invite system that adds value. Be known for making a good impression with professionals even if they aren’t hired.

Get started for free

Hire from candidates in Education + Teaching.

Give educators the smooth application process they deserve.

Job invites that pass the test

Start your rapport with a welcoming invite to apply that targets your desired workforce.

Reach more qualified professionals

Posting jobs with EarnHire instantly generates a list of matching applicants for you to invite.

Get started for free

Find and hire top engineering professionals

Don’t miss the experienced workers you’ve been searching for.

Stay visible to top candidates

EarnHire attracts exciting new talent daily. Get more of the best professionals on the market when your jobs are posted here.

Get in touch for instant resumes

Check out career snapshots for a quick run down of accomplishments and experience. Then send invites for instant access to resumes and incentivize completed applications.

Get started for free

Jobs List

Create your profile and get matched to jobs like these.

event planner
Event Planner
Create your profile to match cyber security opportunities or others listed in event management and hospitality industry.
ecd teacher icon
ECD Teacher
Create your profile to match teaching opportunities or others in the education industry.
Cyber Security

Create your profile to match cyber security opportunities or others listed in industry category web+tech.

Create your profile to match cyber security opportunities or others listed in accounting and finance industry.
graphic design icon
Graphic Designer
Create your profile to match cyber security opportunities or others listed in creative arts and design industry.
software icon
Software Engineer
Create your profile to match cyber security opportunities or others listed in information technology industry.
marketing icon
Marketing Manager
Create your profile to match cyber security opportunities or others listed in marketing and advertising industry.
electrician icon
Create your profile to match cyber security opportunities or others listed in construction and electrical services industry.

How it works for employers

EarnHire AI helps you enrich your talent pool with a steady flow of qualified applicants.
work employee artwork

Register an account and choose a plan for number of invites

Ready for job posts that deliver only qualified talent? Sign up with EarnHire’s easy job posting system. We give you an instant list of matching candidates to choose from. It includes free job posts and the curated list but we don’t stop there. We equip you with an invite button that is the key to building a strong applicant pool. When you send your invites, job candidates feel welcome and know they can apply with confidence.


Post jobs for free to get a ranked list of qualified candidates
Streamline your job posting process with unlimited jobs posts that get immediate results. Once you review candidates, only pay for sending invites to your top picks.
EarnHire job posting system showing free job posts and ranked list of qualified candidates with an invite feature
EarnHire invite system enhancing job application completion rates and response speed


Send invites to receive completed applications

EarnHire maximizes your resources like no other job platform before. Sending invites to job candidates 20x’s your completed application count and the speed of responses from your talent pool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn how Earn Hire is innovating job search.

Yes, EarnHire is considered a reverse job board. Instead of searching through jobs, employers and jobs are sent to job seekers.

Yes! Earn hire shares a small amount with jobseekers who are invited to apply.

Posting jobs with EarnHire is free! Instead employers choose a plan to send invites to candidates which include unlimited job posting.

As a recruiter or employer, every job posting generates a list of candidates that match the job.

Over $400 billion annually is already generated from the resumes jobseekers create. This money never goes to the people applying but has created huge profits for corporate businesses who own staffing firms and job boards. EarnHire believes in reversing some of this wealth back to professionals who create the resumes during their job search.

Let’s move your career forward

Build a pipeline of talented experts that know their worth.

Post jobs and send invites to the candidates you choose. Raise the standard of your employer brand by adding greater value to the community of job seekers your company hires from.
Only pay to invite the candidates you choose
Receive resumes and completed applications

Post all jobs for free

EarnHire career advancement system showing job posting, candidate invites, and value-added employer branding

Looking to post a Job?

Post jobs and get a list of candidates instantly on your dashboard that match.