8 ways to land your dream job -EarnHire

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Landing your dream job brings fulfillment and satisfaction. A job you don’t enjoy can make you feel sad, unproductive, and unfulfilled. In fact, it can result in you being fired and losing your job. People tend to reluctantly accept jobs that they don’t enjoy or find fulfilling. But with purpose and focus, you can land your dream job.

Deji Okunowo, a human resources manager at a fintech company, said you have to be intentional in order to land your dream job because it is a clear path that you want to aim for and achieve, noting that starting early is crucial to getting your dream job.

Similarly, Abubakar Adeleke, a talent acquisition expert, said the importance of getting your dream job cannot be overemphasised as it gives you a sense of achievement. However, he noted that if you are in a job you hate, you tend to be absent-minded and make silly mistakes.

In addition to increasing employee engagement, Adeleke points out that dream jobs provide career advancement and a sense of accomplishment. To land your dream job, follow these expert tips:

Start early

Okunowo noted that landing your dream job starts with choosing the career path you want to follow after you graduate. He said your course of study should be tailored to the specific field you want to major in after graduation.

He said: “For example, if you want to work in human resource management, then study a course such as human resource management in school. If you study a different course, that’s fine as most people’s understanding will improve after they leave school. You should take up specialised courses and participate in activities that will enhance the skills you need for the job.”

make a plan

“You have to start by making a plan for how you want to get there. Decide on a time frame. You need luck, but you also need to be ready to take on the responsibility that luck brings,” the HR manager said, adding that the most important way to land your dream job is to prepare in advance.

Expand your skills

To land your dream job, it’s important to gain qualifications and skills in the field you’re interested in. Adeleke says doing a specialised course related to your dream job can help you stand out to recruiters, who may prioritise people with relevant qualifications.

Okunowo said that with basic undergraduate qualifications, professional/diploma courses and acquisition of the requisite skills, one can land their dream job, adding: “Make sure you know the job well and prepare for the unexpected. Preparation can go hand in hand with luck. Even if you are not prepared for an interview, you may be lucky enough to be called. You need to know the job to impress the interviewer and get hired.”

Update your resume

A resume is like a key that opens the door to a job. The HR manager said that a resume must be well written and tailored to the requirements of the job you are seeking. He added that whoever reads the resume should be able to see your capabilities and what you have to offer.

Adeleke says, “Tailor your resume/CV to the specific job you want to fill (avoid generic resumes). You don’t need a five-page resume to prove you’re the perfect candidate. In fact, recruiters will spend about 30 seconds on each resume and will move on to the next one if it’s not that compelling.”

Build a network of people

Networking with people will give you access to the information you need to land your dream job. Okunowo further stated that people need to spread their wings to network with people wherever they are, telling their network about their aspirations and skill sets can open the door to their dream job.

Prepare for Rejection

Job hunting can be stressful and daunting. You’ll undoubtedly receive rejection and disappointing emails from recruiters. “Don’t let that get you down – just keep moving forward, you’ll find a job sooner or later. Also, check your email (junk, spam, etc.) daily, as there may be emails hiding important information,” adds Adeleke.

Follow specialized pages

It is often said that “experience is the best teacher.” Following people who have been on the path you want to follow is a good step in the right direction. Tapping into the wealth of knowledge and experience that experts have accumulated over the years helps you learn a lot and makes it easier to follow your path. The HR manager stated that following people who push you towards the goals you have set for yourself is key in landing your dream job.

LinkedIn Optimization

“It’s time for people to start taking advantage of the benefits of this application. For example, I find most of my candidates on LinkedIn, and this is true for other recruiters as well. If a candidate’s LinkedIn profile is not properly optimized, the recruiter will move on to the next candidate,” the talent acquisition specialist noted.

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