A Day in the Life – Renan Silva, Senior Product Designer Earnhire

A Day in the Life Renan Silva, Senior Product

meet Renan Silva Renan is a Senior Product Designer II based in Amsterdam. Passionate about all things design, Renan loves exploring how design can be effective in solving problems related to usability, connectivity, and overall user experience. Renan is also on HubSpot’s Disability Alliance planning committee for this year’s Disability Pride Month. Breaking down the stigma surrounding ADHD. To find out more about Renann, a typical day in his job, and more, read on.

Tell us about your role as Senior Product Designer and what you do at HubSpot?

As a Senior Product Designer II for the Flywheel product line, my primary job is to support our internal sales reps. I work closely with our business partners to develop design strategies that enhance our systems and improve the overall experience for our sales teams, so they can work more efficiently and build more meaningful relationships with their customers.

What is collaboration like on your team?

Collaboration is a key aspect of my role. I regularly collaborate with internal business partners, development, data science and data analytics teams, and other product teams. Through this collaboration, I gain insights from different perspectives, priorities, and research. Open communication with different teams is a key strategy in effectively managing priorities and sharing progress.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I have a strong passion for design strategy and discovery execution. Engaging with internal salespeople is a great joy for me. It gives me insight into their day-to-day operations and allows me to deeply understand the obstacles they face. Working closely with the sales team allows me to thoroughly explore their challenges, rapidly build designs, get feedback to enhance our solutions, and reduce difficulties during development.

What do you find the most challenging part of your job?

Sometimes you have to make trade-offs to stay focused on what you need to deliver. It’s not always possible to complete every task, so you have to make decisions that benefit everyone and get you closer to your goal. Having a way to prioritize features helps you stay focused on the outcome. But sometimes you have to face difficult decisions to move faster.

What are some ways you balance work and life? How does HubSpot’s flexibility and hybrid workstyle help with this?

I enjoy starting my day by going for a brisk walk or doing some exercise whenever I feel motivated. I also try to plan my tasks for the day so that I don’t overtax myself. I find satisfaction in making lists and checking off the tasks I complete.

Throughout the day, I take short breaks to recharge and spend time with my cat. I’ve also tried methods like the Pomodoro Technique to balance work and breaks. If I feel overwhelmed, I talk to my manager and re-evaluate my priorities. To maintain a healthy work-life balance, I try to separate work and life and step away from work when my work day is done.

What are the three things you like most about your role and team?

What I like most about HubSpot is the flexibility. I have the freedom to define my own work process and the independence to be myself, which is respected by everyone. I always enjoy spending time with the team and attending in-person events like: Peer Week In Dublin, you can connect face-to-face and foster strong professional relationships.

How can you bring your whole self to work every day?

Stay curious and continually learn about the business, the process, and how to grow as a designer. Make mistakes and learn from them. I know I don’t always have all the answers or know exactly which direction to go, but I always seek feedback and support from my colleagues to improve my skills and deliverables.

How do you solve it for your customers?

By working with our internal teams and understanding their challenges, we can best engage with customers. We want to empower our teams to help our customers achieve their goals. And by supporting our sales teams, we ensure we can efficiently connect problems with solutions so that our sales reps can effectively engage with customers.

What makes working at HubSpot different from other places you’ve worked?

What sets us apart is our HEART culture. Our work is deeply rooted in our HEART values, which brings fulfillment to everything we do. This culture is the foundation of our approach and allows us to bring value to our internal teams. Being part of this great community and culture is truly energizing.

Tell us about the HubSpot community you’re a part of.

Neurodiversity, LGBTQ Alliance, Healthy@HubSpot.

What has surprised you most about working at HubSpot?

HubSpot has an exceptionally strong and unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion. We work hard to create an inclusive atmosphere where everyone is fully embraced in their identity, so we can excel and deliver the best work possible.

What keeps you at HubSpot?

What keeps me going is the opportunity to collaborate with talented, innovative people who constantly challenge the status quo. As a passionate designer, I thrive in environments that push me out of my comfort zone because I believe that’s where true growth happens. What drives me is the excitement of creating exceptional experiences and the continuous learning that comes from working with a team that is committed to excellence.

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone wanting to become a HubSpotter?

Focus on the user, embrace the uncertainty that comes with problem-solving, and find joy in the process of discovery. At HubSpot, it’s important to have the courage to navigate unknown territory. This is a normal part of the job, but it requires a willingness to embrace the unknown and seek out answers that inform our framework and strategy.

Always focus on the customer. It is the foundation that drives business growth. Our goal is to provide value to our customers and internal teams, delivering an exceptional experience for all involved.

Choose 3-4 words that describe your role at HubSpot

Autonomy, friendship, flexibility, diversity

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