Broad Application of the Executive Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Earnhire

Broad Application of the Executive Master's in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Nicholas is an airline pilot and consultant for aviation and education companies. Nicholas has worked internationally in a variety of roles where innovation and entrepreneurship are key. Executive Master’s Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship He took courses on Coursera from HEC Paris, known as the #1 business school in Europe as ranked by the Financial Times, so he knew he was pursuing a great education and qualification. And soon, the program would connect him with professionals from other continents and discover concepts that span industries.

From the moment Nicolas begins talking about his time at HEC Paris on Coursera, it’s clear that he’s happy with his decision and proud of the difference it’s making in his life. Speaking about the reputation of the school he earned his degree from, Nicolas asserts, “This is a degree from HEC Paris, one of the best business schools in the world.” Then, speaking about what makes the program unique, Nicolas points out that “it covers all the topics of an MBA, but with more of both innovation and entrepreneurship.” He also notes that “it’s not that expensive compared to similar world-class business school diplomas.”

Turning to the student experience, Nicholas explains, “It’s a 100% online degree, so you can juggle it with work and home life,” and adds, “Coursera is a very user-friendly platform; it’s easy to use for learning.” This flexibility and accessibility has helped Nicholas find what many learners are looking for in an online program. And the visibility of HEC Paris and the Coursera platform has allowed Nicholas to exceed his expectations by connecting with peers and alumni from around the world before and after graduation.

Students who participate in the program work on team projects with the mentorship of business leaders to create startup companies that attract business developers and investors. Some of these projects have become actual companies. For Nicholas, the project was an opportunity to work with others on a global level, as his team included members from Turkey, Botswana, Canada, and Switzerland. After all, this was one of the countless ways he enjoyed the diverse perspectives that are part of the student experience. He says, “The network is huge. I remember there were like 40 nationalities in my classes. Now I can call New York, Tokyo, London, Zurich, which is amazing.”

Nicholas expands on how past, current and future students can make the most of their relationship with HEC Paris, citing the many resources available to them, including alumni meetings, conferences and other networking events. He also gives the example of the HEC Foundation, which provides funding for certain projects at the university.

Now working internationally as both a pilot and consultant, Nicolas has applied what he learned at HEC Paris to multiple career fields. “You learn how to work and be efficient. For example, I use the concept of ‘deep work’ that I learned at school. Every morning, I turn off my phone and work on my projects for three hours. I’m full of energy and I achieve a lot,” he says confidently. “You also learn to be courageous and solution-oriented. What is the problem and what is the solution? HEC Paris supports you to take a step forward every day.”

It was so moving to hear Nicolas sum up everything he shared with us: “I feel so lucky to be an HEC graduate. This is where my projects and lifelong relationships began. Thank you HEC Paris.” [degree]I’ve been a development director in the aviation industry. [enterprise]He has worked as an airline crew resource management trainer and developed a consulting practice.” Nicolas joins an impressive group of HEC Paris graduates who are all successful in their respective industries. If you have been inspired by Nicolas to pursue the same degree and career, Executive Master’s Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship today.

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