From concern to optimism: What generative AI with large-scale language models has taught AI strategists Earnhire

From concern to optimism: What generative AI with large scale language

Generative AI GenAI is working to transform work, but it’s unclear what that transformation will entail. I believe 60% of jobs could be affected by AI or other organizations estimate That number could be closer to 70 percent.

Understanding how to use AI as a tool and acquiring key skills in this technology will be critical in the coming years. However, as of today, fewer than 30% of professionals Using GenAI at Work Daily or weekly.

As AI technology evolves rapidly, it’s important to know how experts around the world are using it. Mohammed, a senior AI strategist at a German consulting firm, said: at first, Large Scale Language Models (LLM).

Mohammed was concerned about whether the LLM would be particularly volatile, with results that can vary widely, making it difficult for businesses to rely on it reliably. He also feared that only large tech companies would be able to develop the most powerful models, leaving smaller businesses behind.

But to learn more about this rapidly evolving technology and gain a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of GenAI, Mohammed turned to Coursera. Generative AI using large-scale language models From DeepLearning.AI.

What were your initial thoughts about GenAI?

As someone with technical expertise in data science and ML, and having tried previous generative models (e.g. GANs), I was very excited and a bit surprised by the impressive performance of the LLM application. However, I had concerns about whether GenAI, and especially LLM, could be reliably used in real business applications. The instability and explainability limitations caused by the complexity and huge training data of these models were of particular concern to me as I coach clients as a Senior AI Strategist in a German consulting firm.

What courses did you take?

DeepLearning.AI’s “Generative AI with Large Scale Language Models” course not only solidified my knowledge but also addressed my concerns while highlighting ways in which teams can apply GenAI in budget-friendly ways.

What are your thoughts on GenAI right now?

To my surprise, This course has given me more hope for the democratization of GenAI.It has been demonstrated that with the right tweaking and tuning techniques, even small open source models can perform well for certain use cases. This approach gives developers and businesses more control over their models., Making GenAI accessible and affordable.

Still worried?

The course deepened my knowledge of aligning the LLM with human values ​​and introduced me to the latest assessment criteria. Although concerns about trustworthiness remain, it was very important to learn about these criteria. This is an active area of ​​research that requires particular attention in light of upcoming AI regulations such as the EU AI Law.

How does what you learned impact your work?

As a consultant and AI strategist, This knowledge will enable you to better evaluate the suitability of different models and approaches for your particular enterprise and use case.It filled some knowledge gaps, Be more confident in explaining LLM concepts to colleagues and clients.

Do you have any advice for other people?

If you’re not sure where GenAI fits into your workplace, this course provides a great mix of theory and practice, giving you the understanding you need to effectively leverage GenAI in your business. So, if you’re looking to expand your knowledge of generative AI and large-scale language models, I highly recommend taking this course ;).

Note: This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

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