How Granada’s International Job Fair broke CV-sharing records -Earnhire

How Granada's International Job Fair broke CV sharing records Earnhire

The second International Job Fair, in partnership with Beamian, aimed to promote activities that generate employment opportunities for its participants and is set to position itself as one of the most important fairs in Spain.

We bring together the best companies and job seekers in one place, so they can get to know each other better and decide on the spot if they’re a good fit.

Use our projectors to realize contactless solutions Collect resumesJob seekers simply shared their information and resumes as a way to apply to a particular company or position.

Goal achieved

“The implementation of the beamian solution at the Granada International Job Fair has been a great success. We have cooperated with beamian for the second time in a row and will definitely continue to do so in the future. The interaction between participants and companies is easy, fast and intuitive. As well as eliminating the use of paper, we can track and control access to the event.”

(Imaculada Herrador, Employment Manager, University of Granada)

Want to learn more about the Granada International Job Fair indicators?

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