It wasn’t a dream job. -EarnHire


As a child, my dream was to be a horse. Not a horse girl, but a girl who was a horse. This idea made sense then and now: people respect horses, and their reputations are impeccable. A horse’s work is often a clear, concise task, like pulling a plow from one end of a field to the other or carrying a child around a fenced ring. A horse’s basic needs are also generally met: they are fed hay at the end of the day, their little iron horseshoes are cleaned, and they sleep in a high-ceilinged house.

Although my dream didn’t come true, my early realization of what a dream job would actually be only deepened as I entered the workforce. I wanted to do something I cared about and have my life in order in the process, but I understood that even the most fulfilling and highest paying job in the world is still work. After all, no one looks at a horse pulling a cart and thinks that it’s not work. Horses don’t run laps with restless 9-year-olds between jobs. No one tells a horse, “If you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”

Some of this is becoming increasingly clear to me and others in an era when stable, full-time employment is disappearing and getting and keeping any kind of job is a feat in itself. calculate The failed political response to the pandemic has left about 16% of the workforce, or 26.8 million people, unemployed or employed but with reduced hours or wages, and even before the current recession, having a job is no guarantee of escape from hardship. 1 in 9 workers Even if they worked full time, they would receive a wage too low to lift them out of poverty, but the idea of ​​a dream job is still appealing. Get your dream job by the end of the year or 9 Real Steps to Quitting Your Job and Making Your Dreams Come TrueInformation is available on 25 dream jobsThree-quarters of them have an average annual salary of less than $50,000.

During the Mattress Firm internship,Snooze Turn” teeth More than 2,000 people applied for this internship, which was “encouraged” to sleep on the job and was literally a dream job. (One snooze-er told me that she never actually slept on the job but found the internship program fulfilling nonetheless.) There are Reddit threads about commonly romantic jobs like park rangers, zookeepers, and pilots, with posters asking detailed questions. question About how to actually get a career in these fields (“I love animals but I don’t have any training or special training for animals larger than cats and dogs. Is there anything I can do to get a job?”) [at] “A zoo with bigger animals?”

Dream job listings sometimes make the news. For example, San Francisco’s East Brother Lighthouse was looking for a couple to live in a historic lighthouse-turned-inn and make $130,000 a year (gross). Facing people’s expectations of an idyllic seaside life (there’s no Wi-Fi in the lighthouse, mind you), East Brother Lighthouse received thousands of applications, but only 60 from qualified couples, because the job required a valid U.S. Coast Guard license. But after nearly a year, San Francisco Chronicle Interviewed For Tiffany Dance and Tyler Waterson, who were lucky enough to land the positions, the dream was more of a job. “We’re the receptionists. We run the gift shop. We make the beds. We cook the meals. Tyler is the boat captain and local history guide,” Dance said. The couple said: Chronicle They were working 80 to 90 hours a week.

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