Job Description
We are looking for highly skilled professionals charged with mastering the capabilities, tools and techniques required to effectively collect, process, analyze and provide defense on complex computer networks, tactical systems that are all under attack by enemies seeking to steal information or sabotage capabilities. RESPONSIBILITIES You are highly trained in specialized areas of disruptive technologies, cyberspace capability development and the full spectrum of cyberspace operations. Research, design, develop, test and evaluate software and firmware for Cyberspace Operations. Apply principles and techniques of computer science and computer engineering to build software and firmware to defend our nation’s vital computer networks. PAY AND BENEFITS Our people are our most valuable assets, so we care for them well. With world-class training, opportunity to pay for college and advanced degrees, access to the best health care in the country, retirement plans, tax incentives, and more perks than you could have imagined, Navy active-duty benefits are the most competitive out there. Earn up to $150,000 while finishing your degree Regular monthly income ranging from $4,000 to $6,000 prior to your graduation Free graduate education through Post 9/11 GI Bill 30 days of paid vacation time each year Competitive and pay and bonuses: Total compensation at 4 years of service for Lieutenant in San Diego, CA ($130,000) Automatic Promotions based on ability and performance Comprehensive medical and dental care at no cost to sailor Low-cost childcare services Opportunities to travel the world Excellent retirement benefits including Blended Retirement System/Pension and 5% 401K Government matching contribution Food allowances A housing allowance that is based upon the location of the school you attend EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Beyond professional credentials and certifications, the Navy can help ease your financial burdens and advance your career with generous financial assistance and continuing education programs. Opportunities for further education within this platform include: Post-9/11 GI Bill Navy Tuition Assistance Program The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Navy War College (NWC) QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS To be an eligible candidate, you must be: A U.S. citizen 18-42 years old (age waiver may be approved on case-by-case basis) In pursuit of a bachelor’s degree with at least 60 credits hours and be currently enrolled full time to a baccalaureate degree from a non-NROTC affiliated institution accredited institution Completed at least 30 credit hours in software development and/or computer programming coursework Prior Service Navy and other branches of service are welcome to apply Makeup of a competitive candidate: GPA > 3.0 Physical fitness Extra-curricular activities Community involvement Outstanding character Great leadership potential Excellent communication skills WORK ENVIRONMENT Officers in this community have opportunities to serve worldwide aboard ships, on bases and installations and in Joint Intelligence Centers such as the National Security Agency, the Pentagon, among other.