Miami Beach CC is a Certified Autism Center -Earnhire

Miami Beach CC is a Certified Autism Center Earnhire

Miami Beach Convention Center (MBCC) Certified Autism Center (CAC) is accredited by the International Board of Certification and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES). Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau It received its CAC designation in April.

As a CAC, MBCC has taken proactive steps to ensure that visitors with autism and sensory sensitivities feel welcome and supported. The accreditation process included comprehensive training for MBCC’s customer-facing staff by Oak View Group to equip them with the knowledge and skills to support people with autism, as well as an on-site review by IBCCES, which provided recommendations for further improvements.

“Achieving the Certified Autism Center designation is an important next step in our commitment to an inclusive environment and we are extremely proud of our staff’s dedication and accomplishments. This autism certification enables the Miami Beach Convention Center, owned by the City of Miami Beach and proudly managed by Oak View Group, to even better serve visitors with special needs, setting a new standard for accessibility in the events industry,” MBCC General Manager Freddie Peterson said in a media statement.

“Achieving certification as a Certified Autism Center joins a growing number of organizations making a significant impact in accessibility. With one in six people living with a sensory impairment, our focus on accessibility demonstrates our team’s commitment to being a leader in our industry,” said Myron Pincomb, chairman of the Miami Beach Convention Center’s board of directors. IBCCESto the media.

The newly renovated MBCC is committed to providing an accessible experience for all events and visitors. The venue features a variety of ADA-compliant amenities, including accessible parking, sidewalk ramps, restrooms, elevators and automatic entry doors. For visitors with visual impairments, MBCC offers Braille signage and visual interpretation services via the Aira app.

MBCC has a strong focus on CSR and sustainability

MBCC focuses on a wide range of areas, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), accessibility, DEIB, and sustainability programs. MBCC achieved LEED Silver certification as part of a $640 million venue expansion and re-envisioning project that incorporated many eco-friendly features. Additionally, MBCC recently achieved the “Foundational Certificate in Sustainability and Social Impact” from the Event Industry Council (EIC), and five staff members have earned the “Sustainable Event Professional Certificate,” designed for professionals committed to implementing sustainability and social impact in the workplace.

MBCC becoming a CAC Greater Miami Becoming a Region Certified Autism Visit Site (CAD) is a destination certification program led by the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. Achieving CAD designation as a destination signifies that a representative number of attractions, hotels, and other recreational and entertainment venues have completed the CAC certification process.

“Inclusion and accessibility are top priorities for our destination,” said David Whitaker, president and CEO of the Greater Miami CVB. “It is significant that MBCC has achieved this certification; it is an important step to further serve the diverse visitor community of Greater Miami and Miami Beach, help attract conventions, and bring us closer to achieving our countywide goal of becoming a Certified Autism Destination (CAD).”

Receiving CAD designation as a tourist destination means that a representative number of attractions, hotels, and other recreational and entertainment facilities have completed the CAC certification process.

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