Quick Tip: Monday is LinkedIn Recommendation Day Earnhire

Quick Tip: Monday is LinkedIn Recommendation Day Earnhire

LinkedIn launched a new feature a few years ago that allows people in their network to quickly and easily recommend one or more of their self-listed skill sets. Anyone actively looking for work today should strive to get recommended frequently. Here’s why…

Recruiters will look at your LinkedIn recommendations

A woman writing a LinkedIn recommendation for a colleague on her laptop

Prior to this feature, people could “game” for a specific job by stuffing their profile with skill sets. In other words, keyword optimizing your LinkedIn profile would help your profile show up when recruiters were actively searching for talent via LinkedIn. Simply stuffing your headline, “About me” section (summary), and “Experience” section (work history) with those keywords increased your chances of getting noticed.

You should optimize your LinkedIn profile. This is a great strategy that most job seekers don’t use, and it can give you a competitive advantage over others in your job search. The problem is, even if you claim to have these skills, not the whole world thinks you have them.

References solve that problem. When a recruiter says you’re good at “sales” and sees that it’s backed up by dozens of references, they know you’re the real deal. They’re more likely to contact you instead of other job seekers who don’t have those skills referenced.

LinkedIn has designated Monday as “recommendation day”

A woman using a laptop checks whether her skills are being recognized on LinkedIn

Taking inspiration from X’s highly successful #followfriday ritual, combined with the statistical evidence to back it up, it occurred to me that since Monday is the worst day to ask recruiters or others for help with your job search, Monday would be an ideal day to start an “Endorse Day” ritual.

The idea is simple: every Monday morning, take 10 minutes to give back by recommending 10 people in your LinkedIn network. Imagine how you’d feel if a message arrived in your inbox on Monday (a day of the week when even the most cheerful people have a hard time getting to work) from a colleague recommending your skill set. Would you feel good? Of course! Would you realize how amazing a colleague is who took the time to recommend you? Of course! And best of all, wouldn’t you want to recommend them back? Of course!

In other words, you need to give in order to get. So why not make Monday a day to give to those in your network? Not only will you feel good, but we guarantee you’ll get a good return on your investment!

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