Recruitment Scam Warning: How to Spot a Recruitment Scam -Earnhire

Recruitment Scam Warning: How to Spot a Recruitment Scam Earnhire

Recruitment fraud is a crime in which scammers use trusted brands to create fictitious job postings to defraud unsuspecting victims seeking employment. These scams are often carried out through a variety of online channels (including scam websites, LinkedIn profiles, text messages, emails, and online instant messaging interviews) claiming to represent the company. These deceptive messages are designed to trick victims into divulging personal or sensitive financial information.

As the statistics below show, recruitment scams can be very sophisticated and convincing.

  • about 14 million Every year, people in the United States and Canada fall victim to fraud.
  • Recruitment fraud is $2 billion Each year, direct losses amount to $1 million and individuals who fall victim to fraud Average: $1,500.
  • Recruitment scams on the rise 250 percent In the first quarter of 2023, it will be almost three times higher than the same period in 2022.
  • The most common age groups targeted by scammers are 18-34 years old Children years old.

Recruitment scams are becoming increasingly difficult to detect, but there are some warning signs to look out for to help you identify them and avoid falling victim to them.

  • Unprofessional email address or domain: Be wary if the sender’s email is a personal “Gmail” or “Yahoo” address that doesn’t match the official company domain. Legitimate recruiters and employers usually use a company email address.
  • No online presence or limited information: To independently verify the company’s legitimacy, visit its official website, contact its official phone number (not the one provided in the suspicious communication), and verify that it has an established online presence. If there’s a lack of information about the organization on professional networking sites or very little listed on job boards, it may be a scam.
  • Unconfirmed contact information: Don’t use any contact information provided in suspicious emails. Instead, independently research the company’s contact information by visiting the company’s official website or LinkedIn page to see the address, job title, and phone number of anyone claiming to be an employee.
  • Poorly written job postings and emails: Fraudulent job offers often include emails with incomplete or vague job descriptions, lots of grammatical errors, and inconsistent formatting. But scammers are now Chat GPT, grammar, Tool Buzzand other AI tools to create more realistic job ads. Be wary of generic job titles that don’t clearly define the job responsibilities and requirements. Legitimate companies keep their communications professional.
  • Requests for personal information or money: 15 percent Job seekers’ personal information stolen 9 percent You may be losing money. Scammers may ask job seekers for sensitive personal information, such as bank account details, credit card information, social security numbers, financial passwords, and passport information. Legitimate employers typically request such information after a candidate has been hired and do not ask job seekers to pay a one-time upfront fee or for training materials, background checks, or other related costs. If you are asked to make any payment up front, it may be a scam.
  • Too good to be true: 40 percent 100% of job seekers encounter fraudulent job ads, proving you need to trust your instincts. Be wary of job ads that require little to no experience and promise quick money, suspiciously high salaries, or exorbitant benefits. If a job is too good to be true, it might be a scam.
  • Unsolicited Jobs: 1 in 3 Job seekers are being tricked into applying for and interviewing for fictitious jobs. Be wary if you receive a job offer without submitting an application or going through a proper interview process. Legitimate employers typically follow a structured hiring process.
  • Hurry or Instant Offers: Scammers may pressure you to accept an offer quickly, before you have time to research or properly consider the opportunity. Legitimate employers give candidates time to make an informed decision, take the time to verify work experience, and check references.
  • Fraudulent Checks: Once you have secured a job, the so-called “employer” will send you a (fake) check with deposit instructions to purchase equipment, supplies, or training. They will encourage you to use a cash app, such as Western Union, Bitcoin, or other money transfer services. The scammer will often ask you to wire the funds before you or your bank can discover the fake check.

If you encounter one or more of these warning signs, it’s important to exercise caution and investigate thoroughly before proceeding. Taking swift and decisive action is essential to protect yourself. If you suspect you’ve encountered a fraudulent job offer or have already fallen victim to a scam, consider the following steps:

  • Stop communication: Immediately discontinue contact with the suspicious person. Do not respond to any emails, messages or calls from them.
  • Notify your bank and monitor your account. If you’ve already provided your bank account information or suspect that your financial information may have been compromised, contact your bank immediately to secure your accounts and prevent fraudulent transactions. Regularly monitor your bank accounts, credit cards, and other financial accounts for suspicious activity and report any fraudulent transactions to your bank immediately.
  • Update your password: Change passwords to your email, bank accounts, online job search profiles and any other accounts that may have been compromised.
  • Strong security measures will be implemented. Strengthen your online security by using strong, unique passwords for each account, enabling two-factor authentication, and being careful when sharing personal information online.
  • Reporting to authoritiesIf you believe you have been scammed, report it to the appropriate authorities. In the United States, you can file a complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). hereInternational users should contact their local consumer protection agency.
  • Warn others: Please share your first-hand experience with family, friends and on social media to warn others and help them avoid falling victim to the same scam.

Remember, job seeker awareness and prevention are key. Educate yourself about common recruitment scam tactics and warning signs to minimize the risk of falling victim to such a scam in the first place. Staying vigilant and informed will help you proceed with your job search with confidence and peace of mind.

Check out all our resources for job seekers here.

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