Startup Hiring 101: A Guide for Founders. Part 11 – The First Sales Conversation -Earnhire

Startup Hiring 101: A Founder’s Guide. Part 20 Selling

The first sales conversation is your first contact with a candidate and usually takes place over coffee or a phone/video call. At Gem, we call this conversation the “first sales conversation” because your main goal is to “sell” the candidate. That’s why we’re introducing our detailed Your guide to your first sales conversation Living in Sales and Closing Complete Startup Hiring Guide section.

Before we move on to the next passive recruiting and interview guide posts, it probably makes sense to learn a bit about selling and closing, so I’m linking and summarizing that in Part 11. Also, Sales and Termination and Understanding Motivations In tandem with the initial sales conversation.

once again, Your step-by-step guide to your first sales conversationHowever, here are some high-level best practices:

  • Build strong rapport and put your candidates at ease.

  • Spend most of your time selling, especially with passive candidates.

  • Selling isn’t about “selling” all the time. Asking questions and finding out what’s important to your candidates is a lot like “discovery” in sales.

  • If the mutual fit is not good, we filter out candidates. Often times, a startup is not a good fit. they.

  • For candidates you want to move forward with, be sure to propose and confirm next steps.


in Recruitment Guide Part 12Now let’s talk about how to nurture candidates after the initial sales conversation to get them interested in your startup.


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