Suffering and victim mentality Earnhire

Outsourcing to bureaucracy Earnhire

What is the difference between suffering and victimhood?

Everyone experiences hardships, to one degree or another. This is true because the world is not a level playing field. Hardships come from our family, our society, the place we are born into, and usually are things we can’t choose.

For example, if you compare someone born in a slum in Brazil to someone born in a developed city like Sydney, if you commit a crime in Sydney and get a 100-year sentence, you’re still going to be better off than if you lived in a slum or a similar neighborhood.

On the other hand, victim mentality It’s a choice.

We only choose to feel like victims when we see the situation from our perspective.

There are over a billion people in the world who live in extreme poverty, worse than those of us in the developed world, worse than you reading this article. This is by circumstance, not by choice.

We are all guilty of victim mentality, and we would all benefit from some self-examination whenever we find ourselves in that state of mind.

The important thing is to never stop working towards your goals because you should be happy with what you have and where you are. When you can’t take that international trip because the plane ticket was too expensive or you had other responsibilities, a simple reminder to be grateful for what you have will make you feel better in the moment.

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