The future is now: Gem unveils new AI recruiting suite -Earnhire

The future is now: Gem unveils new AI recruiting suite

AI has proven its worth, it is here to stay and is becoming more fascinating with every passing day. For organizations, big and small, the new generation of LLMs has redefined the way they achieve their business goals and maintain a competitive advantage.

After sharing Gem’s AI-driven recruitment vision Last year, we witnessed AI transform the way recruiting teams work. Today, we want to share more about what we’ve learned on this journey. Gem’s new AI recruiting solution suite It’s designed to help talent teams build a high-quality pipeline faster than ever before.

In this post, we cover:

What’s coming and when

  • today: participate Waiting List Get early access and be the first to know when Gem’s new AI recruiting solution becomes available.

  • June 2024: Gem AI Sourcing will be publicly available.

  • Late summer 2024: Gem AI Inbound Ranking and Gem AI Rediscovery are now generally available.

  • Beyond: Look forward to exciting new releases every month, including automated job description creation, automated interview scheduling loops, automated interview integration into scorecards, personalization for re-engagement, and more.

How AI is changing recruiting

Automation is the new top-down mandate for talent acquisition teams

76% of HR leaders We believe that adopting AI solutions is essential to remain competitive. “Essential,” “necessary,” and “critical” are some of the words we hear most often when customers talk about AI in their day-to-day recruiting workflows.

The organization is no longer if AI should not be introduced, how and what Solutions that can be leveraged to maximize return with minimal risk.

Talent acquisition teams everywhere are exploring AI solutions that can help them achieve their recruiting goals more efficiently, which means shifting recruiters’ time. Away From manually searching through multiple candidate databases, screening large numbers of applicants, and tracking past talent information, Towards AI-powered talent discovery and proactive engagement You can meet quality candidates throughout the entire funnel.

The rise of AI point solutions has overshot expectations and underperformed.

Over the past year, advancements in LLM have led to the introduction of new AI recruiting solutions at an incredible pace, many of which promise talent acquisition teams a cost-effective way to discover top talent.

Although conceptually promising, many of these point solutions are missing some key areas.

  1. I don’t understand the full context. An AI sourcing solution may recommend candidates who were already rejected by your company weeks ago, or it doesn’t have the historical relationship data to understand which candidates are of most interest (those who are members of your talent community or have attended your events in the past). Without the historical context of past touchpoints with candidates, an AI solution cannot make reliable recommendations. Impact? Isolated recommendations without context put your employer brand at risk and create a poor candidate experience.

  2. Having multiple AI point solutions creates clutter and silos. For any job, recruiters will be reviewing new applicants as well as searching for passive talent, all with the same qualifications and ideal candidate profile in mind. Using different AI solutions for each workflow will result in duplicate work of setting up and tuning each tool for the same search. Impact? Instead of working from one unified pipeline, recruiters waste time and energy context-switching between separate AI solutions to find talent across key channels.

Next-gen Gem AI: Even better when combined with an end-to-end recruiting platform

Gem’s vision for AI-powered recruiting in 2024

We believe that to truly make recruiting teams more efficient, AI must be embedded in a unified platform, rather than operating in silos across multiple AI point solutions. That’s why we’re excited to announce the next generation of Gem AI, a new AI recruiting solution suite that operates on the most comprehensive datasets across any channel to empower talent acquisition teams to find, engage, and hire the best talent faster.

Using integrated candidate data within your CRM, Gem AI surfaces results taking into account past context such as members of your talent community, attendees at your events, people who have applied for other roles, etc. Use Gem AI to source, rank, and discover candidates with results you can trust.

Find talented people faster with AI sourcing

However One in three candidates Expect your future employer to be the first to contact you. 68% of HR leaders Companies that say their current talent search efforts aren’t finding enough talent say that today’s talent acquisition teams are smaller than in recent years and each recruiter has more work to do, leaving them with little time to pursue passive talent.

Gem AI Sourcing It eases the burden of sourcing new candidates from various external databases by automating the sourcing flow end-to-end. Intuitive natural language search and simple UI allow recruiters to tell Gem exactly what their ideal candidate profile is in their own words, without managing complex Boolean strings and cumbersome filters. Gem also provides full transparency into all match reasons, allowing recruiters to make informed adjustments to their search parameters whenever they want.

Accelerate inbound application reviews with AI inbound rankings

Many of our clients have noticed a surge in inbound applications. Recent benchmarks have shown that only 25% of applications To move to the next stage, you must meet a minimum set of standards. Additionally, ATSs aren’t built to optimize for high volume reviews, making sifting through resumes a laborious and time-consuming process that only identifies a small number of qualified candidates in the pool.

Gem’s AI Inbound RankingRecruiters can quickly find the right talent among a sea of ​​LLM-based job requirements search. With no up-front training costs or lengthy feedback loops, Gem instantly ranks applicants based on natural language search criteria, makes matching reasons transparent, and gives recruiters full control to further tweak the parameters.

AI Rediscovery makes it easy to re-engage silver medalists

Past candidates, like silver medalists, are undoubtedly a rich and untapped talent source. They are already aligned with your company’s vision and were previously highly engaged. Yet most ATSs aren’t designed to help users easily discover these promising talent pools. Our customers are already raving about how Gem can help their teams: Rediscovering the Silver Medalist In an ATS with powerful filters and search capabilities.

Rediscovering Gem’s AI We go a step further and automatically identify the best candidates to re-engage across both your CRM and ATS. Like other AI solutions, Gem AI surfaces every candidate’s latest status and why they match your criteria, from past interview feedback to recent event attendance and other touchpoints, so you can make an informed decision before reaching out.

What’s coming and when

  • today: participate Waiting List Get early access and be the first to know when Gem’s new AI solutions become available.

  • June 2024: Gem AI Sourcing is now publicly available

  • Late summer 2024: Gem AI Inbound Ranking and Gem AI Rediscovery now generally available

  • Beyond: Look forward to exciting new releases every month, including automated job description creation, automated interview scheduling loops, automated interview integration into scorecards, personalization for re-engagement, and more.

The Gem AI Difference


AI built into your CRM generates more relevant recommendations. Gem AI considers rich context across all sources, including who you’ve interacted with, who applied to you, who rejected you, who attended your events and talent communities, and more.


Our AI solution, like the rest of Gem’s platform, is built for everyday recruiters to do their jobs, with 94% of users reporting increased productivity. With conversational search, a seamless UI, and one-time role adjustments, recruiters can spend less time setting up and debugging cumbersome AI tools and more time engaging with quality candidates.

Control and trust

Use only what you need and change what you want. Gem’s AI solutions are built with transparency, security and customer choice in mind. Say goodbye to opaque algorithms where you don’t know what your AI is doing. Our matching highlights exactly which criteria in your search matched with the candidate’s profile, allowing recruiters to make adjustments.

Guardrails for today and the future

Compliance Guidelines and Flexibility

AI tools, when properly leveraged, can revolutionize the recruiting process. We want our tools to transform the recruiting process for the better. That’s why Gem takes every step to ensure that AI is deployed ethically and lawfully within our platform. Along the way, we prioritize transparency, security, and customer choice, building features you can trust. Customers can opt-in to using these AI enhancements. This flexibility allows organizations to leverage the power of AI in a framework that adheres to their own compliance guidelines.

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