The limitations of learning management systems (LMS)
Although LMS solves almost all the needs, it still has some limitations. Learning Management System (LMS) is primarily a learning content and user management system that connects learning content, learners, administrators, content developers, and content providers. There are some predefined standards that allow the learning management system to recognize the content and make it available to learners and administrators. The most basic standard that LMS follows is the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM).
A SCORM-aware LMS can host and manage any SCORM-based learning and development content. However, there are many other learning apps, tools, content, and activities that are not related to SCORM. A traditional LMS based on SCORM content cannot consume such content. This is where the concept of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard comes into play.
Learning Management System
Want to learn more about LMS? What is a Learning Management System? Read our blog for an overview of LMS and its features.
What is Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)?
IMS Global Learning Consortium developed the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard, which provides courseware and various learning tools that can be launched within an LMS. The biggest benefit of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration is that learners can seamlessly move between tools. Using Learning Tools Interoperability, educational institutions and organizations can create a cohesive and flexible learning environment. The latest version of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is 1.3, which was released in 2019.

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)
How Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) works
Get a quick understanding of the features of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI).
Let’s say an organization that has an LMS is conducting an employee selection assessment for promotion to a managerial position. The assessment tests the learners’ technical skills. But the HR professional of the organization also wants to conduct a psychometric test to see if the employee has the right attitude to become a future manager. The HR professional shortlists an effective psychometric assessment tool from a vendor. But, this tool is not SCORM-based and cannot be integrated into the learning management system.
This is where the idea of LTI standards comes into play: Imagine how convenient it would be for HR personnel if psychometric assessment tools could be integrated into the organization’s LMS as a plug-and-play tool. Without interoperability between learning tools, psychometric assessments would have to be redeveloped according to SCORM standards and hosted in the organization’s LMS. With interoperability of learning tools that can be linked to the LMS, learner results are passed to the learning management system without having to host the actual learning content.
Simply put, interoperability standards enable seamless data exchange between LMS and other learning applications, making it easier for learners and administrators to access one learning and development tool from another without having to log into each individual tool.
Learning Tools Interoperability Features

Part of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)
Benefits of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)
Benefit #1 of learning tools interoperability – Simplified integration of different educational tools
One of the main benefits of LTI is that it simplifies the integration of different teaching tools and materials. Traditionally, integrating different software required custom development, which was time-consuming and costly. Learning tool interoperability standardizes this entire process, making it possible to connect tools to an LMS with minimal effort. This standardization reduces the need for custom programming, making the introduction of new tools easier and faster.
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Benefit #2 of Learning Tools Interoperability – Improved User Experience
LTI improves user experience by providing seamless connectivity between different learning tools and the LMS. Learners and instructors can access multiple resources without having to log in to each one separately. This single sign-on capability improves usability and reduces the stress that comes with managing multiple accounts and passwords. It therefore streamlines course management and provides administrators and managers with all the tools they need to support the learning process.
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Benefit #3 of Learning Tools Interoperability – Improved Resource Management
LTI helps educational institutions manage their resources more efficiently. Administrators can easily add or remove tools from the LMS without causing major disruptions. This helps organizations/institutions quickly adapt to changing learning needs and technologies.
This ensures that learners and instructors have access to the best resources available. The interoperability of learning tools allows all learning content to be stored in one place, reducing the risk of data loss and also makes organizing learning content very easy. Each e-learning management team member, instructional designers, and other users can access information, data, and anything else at any time through the cloud storage system.
Benefit #4 of Learning Tools Interoperability – Cost-Effective Solutions
Implementing LTI leads to cost savings for educational institutions. It reduces the need for custom integration work, helping educational institutions and organizations save on development and maintenance costs. Additionally, the ease of integration with different tools allows schools to choose the most cost-effective solution without being locked into a single vendor.
Benefit #5 of Learning Tools Interoperability – Enhanced Collaboration
Interoperability of learning tools allows different tools to work seamlessly together and foster collaboration. For example, a video conferencing tool can integrate with a course management system to provide synchronous learning opportunities. Similarly, a collaboration platform can integrate with an LMS to support group projects and discussions. This interoperability fosters a more interactive and engaging learning environment.
Want to get more out of collaboration? Use gamification! Read our blog on the importance of gamification in educational technology.
Benefits of Learning Tools Interoperability #6 – Data Integration and Analytics
Learning tool interoperability allows you to integrate data from different tools into your LMS for a comprehensive view of student performance and engagement. Instructors can access analytics from multiple sources in one place, allowing them to make data-driven decisions to improve teaching and learning. This integrated data approach helps you identify trends, understand student needs, and personalize the learning experience.
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To sum up
Learning Tools Interoperability simplifies the roadmap and reduces technical barriers for integrating third-party learning resources, apps, and tools into an organization’s LMS. Learning Tools Interoperability helps instructional designers save time developing learning materials. Learning Tools Interoperability increases the potential to extend content and apps within an organization’s learning ecosystem.
Choosing the right Learning Tools Interoperability for your organization can empower your employees and provide them with the right tools they need to be the best in your organization. Are you ready to improve the learning and development experience in your organization? Make the most of Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI), perfect for beginners and experts alike.
If you’d like to learn more, schedule a demo today to see how Learning Everest can help your team’s learning needs.

Learning Tools Interoperability – Some Benefits
Knowledge check!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What is Learning Tools interoperability?
answer: Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) allows you to launch learning courseware and various learning tools within your LMS.
Q: What are some examples of learning tools interoperability?
answer: Integrating your learning management system with an e-book platform, connecting your LMS to a video platform, or linking your LMS to a plagiarism checker tool are all great examples of learning tool interoperability.
Q: What is the difference between LMS and LTI?
answer: LTI stands for Learning Tools Interoperability and is a standard for integrating external learning tools and applications with an LMS such as Moodle.