Top 5 LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers -Earnhire

Top 5 LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers Earnhire

Looking for a new job? It can be a demanding, difficult, and stressful experience. Luckily, we have some LinkedIn tips to help you get noticed by the right people at the right time.

Remember, LinkedIn is the easiest and best way for recruiters to learn about your capabilities. So, don’t ignore it. In fact, 8 people 1000 people are hired every minute through LinkedIn. Here’s what to do next.

  1. Let recruiters know you’re available to apply.

Did you know that LinkedIn has a special feature? Let the recruiter know you’re interested in workingThis is a great way to promote yourself on LinkedIn. First, it lets recruiters know that you’re interested in new job opportunities. Here’s how:

    1. Visit our LinkedIn page
    2. Click here open Buttons below your name and profile picture
    3. Click here Find a new job
    4. Add a job request
    5. click Add to profile
    6. Choose who knows you’re open – LinkedIn members or recruiters only
    7. click Add to profile

Notes: On LinkedIn, if you are currently employed but looking for a new job, you may or may not want to make your job search private, so you run the risk of being seen by employers. Our advice is to not let that stop you, keep trying.

Related: Here are 4 steps to take after speaking with a recruiter

  1. Focus on skills.
    44 percent 70% of recruiters use LinkedIn skills data to fill open positions. Adding skills On your LinkedIn profile page, list your transferable skills on your profile and get your skills assessed.
  1. Connect. Connect. Connect.

When it comes to LinkedIn connections, the magic number is 500. LinkedIn trainer Wayne Breitbarth says: points out“Most people with large networks have had great success on LinkedIn.” According to Breitbarth, having a large LinkedIn network offers these benefits:

  • Frequently appearing in search results
  • Appear high in search rankings
  • Create more engagement opportunities
  • appear more frequently People are also watching

Don’t be shy. Reach out to current and former colleagues, relatives, and other professionals in your field. Once you have over 500 connections, you’re on your way to success on LinkedIn.

  1. Do you have a profile picture?

If you don’t have one, get one now. And don’t take a selfie with your arms all stiff. If you have a profile picture, 21 times Increased profile views.

If so, are your photos suitable for a professional platform? If you’re in doubt, it’s probably worth updating your photos. As long as they look like the professional you normally show them in, you’ll be fine.

Here are some general tips for adding the best photos to LinkedIn:

  • Use a current photo of yourself
  • Make sure the photo is high resolution
  • Show off your beautiful face. Make sure it takes up 60% of the frame.
  • It was a happy and friendly atmosphere (laughs).
  • Clothes you would normally wear to work (or clothes appropriate for the job you are applying for)
  • Do not use filters

You can find a full list of LinkedIn photo tips here: 10 Tips for Choosing the Right LinkedIn Profile Photo

Bonus: Add a background image that accurately reflects your brand. Are you an engineer? An educator? A creative? Add a crisp, clean, and distraction-free LinkedIn banner image.

here From Forbes: 10 LinkedIn background photo ideas to make your profile stand out.

Notes: The recommended dimensions for a LinkedIn banner photo are 1584 x 396 pixels.

  1. Let us summarize our recommendations.

When you need a product or service, do you research it and read reviews? Do you make sure that someone you can trust before you ask them to fix your car, paint your house, or cook you dinner? Yes, hiring managers and recruiters do the same thing when looking for people to fill a position.

LinkedIn Recommendations Since they’re essentially testimonials about who you are as a professional, it makes sense to get glowing reviews from people you’ve worked with. Whether it’s subordinates, peers, or superiors, their perspective matters and their opinion can make the difference between getting or passing on a job opportunity.

Think about people you’ve worked with in your department or field. Next, think about managers who’ve always loved your work. Next, think about C-level employees who are easy to contact and who have given you positive feedback in the past. Here’s how to ask for recommendations on LinkedIn:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn profile page
  2. Scroll Recommendations section
  3. click Ask for recommendations
  4. Enter the name of the connection you want to inquire about
  5. Navigate prompts

don’t forget: Writing a recommendation is just as important as getting one. It’s probably easier to get one if you’ve written one. So, get cruising around LinkedIn and get started!

There are plenty of other tips and tricks for getting noticed on LinkedIn, too many to cover all here, so in the meantime, continue to do your own LinkedIn research and maintain a polished online presence across all your professional networks.

If you’re looking for more resources for job seekers, check out our resources for job seekers.

This blog is Hannah Radka.

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